MyDigital Audit
MyDigital Audit
MyDigital Audit
MyDigital Audit

MyDigital Audit

Aimed at start-up, micro and small businesses, we will do a complete digital audit of your business and produce a comprehensive report with findings and recommendations.
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MyDigital Audit - Get expert advice

Digital tools are now the corner stone of many successful businesses. But with so much choice, where do you start? Our in-house consultant, Stuart Forrester, will audit your business and answer some of the following typical questions...
  • How to best sell your products online
  • How to use social media to reach new customers
  • How to attract new visitors to your website
  • How different digital tools can benefit your business
  • The best home working options for your team

Stuart will do a complete digital audit of your business and produce a comprehensive report with findings and recommendations.

The project is split in to five stages: -
  1. First Contact
  2. Fact Finding - a 2 hour virtual or in-person structured interview looks to understand where you are today and your ambitions for growth.
  3. The Report - a full written report with action points and possible solutions is prepared and sent to you.
  4. The Review - a 2 hour virtual or in-person meeting to go over the report, answer any questions and prepare you and your team for selecting and implementing solutions.
  5. The Action Plan - from the review, a final action plan is produced on agreed actions that you plan to implement.
We've been providing similar audits to Norfolk County Council and two case studies can be read here -
  • Morley Village and Sports Hall - See the case study HERE
  • Redcat Partnership - See the case study HERE
The maximum time for this product is two equivalent days in consultancy time.
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